EXO Fic Fests Outpost
An outpost in Planet #1485 for all EXO fic fests/exchanges
Welcome to our carrd!
Here you can (hopefully!) easily find all our resources in an intuitive and organized way.
For any doubts/suggestions/complaints, please contact us on CuriousCat or via DM on twitter!
Our Resources
We are always looking for new ways to make things easier for all ER-Is: readers, writers or (either current or prospective) fest mods!
Therefore, each of our resources may be helpful in different ways. We encourage those interested to check them out to see which of them better answer your needs!
You can find detailed information about each of our resources below. If you would just like the links, though, here they are:
Fest Information Spreadsheet
Fest Dates Spreadsheet
General Fest Info Spreadsheet
The goal of this spreadsheet is to list all fest in the EXO ficdom, whether they are still active, have been dropped or discontinued.
This spreadsheet has the following sections: ALL (group fests); MEMBER-CENTRIC; OTP; OT3; and OT4.
It lists the following information:
(1) Fest NAME;
(2) Fest HANDLE on twitter (if it's on livejournal, it will be indicated as "LJ");
(3) PAIRING (for OTP fests);
(4) SPECIALITY: if there is a specific theme or focus;
(5) CURRENTLY ON: if the fest is currently having a round, whether it is in its prompting, claiming, writing or posting periods;
(6) LAST ROUND: if the fest is not currently having a round, the last date it had a round;
(7) ACTIVE: if the fest's social media shows signs of mods being around.
Check the spreadsheet here:
The first sheet lists all EXO-centered active fests that post in English. Additionally, we also have three other sheets:
(I) Non English-based fests (bilingual or in other langagues);
(II) Fests that have not been active since 2017, or that have been dropped/discontinued;
(III) Fests that involve EXO but are not EXO-centered.
If you're a mod of a fest in a different language and would like to have it listed here, please let us know!
Fest Dates Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet aims to offer an overview of fest deadlines, as well as of how many fests are currently active involving each member
(or the group).
Therefore, this spreadsheet lists only fests currently having a round.
Click on the image below to go to the spreadsheet:
Check the INFO sheet for a guide on the color coding in this spreadsheet.
The EXO Fest Dates sheet lists all the fests.
You can browse the other sheets to see only group fests, or fests involving each member:
Our calendar focuses on offering a graphic representation of how many fests are currently at each stage (prompting, claiming, writing, posting), besides also listing check in and submission dates.
Click on the image below to check it out:
If the segments do not automatically appear, just click on "show segments" on the left side of the screen.
You'll be able to see the calendar is divided into the following sections:
CHALLENGE (as challenges do not undergo the usual prompting/claiming steps)
By clicking on the year that appears on the header (most likely on the top left corner), you can toggle different months (or years), or go to the current month:
By clicking on the magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen, you can also toggle visualization by week, month, or a 3 months period (in which case dates will be grouped by week):
Lastly, you can click on a fest's strip in order to see more details: whether it is a group, member-centric or OTP fest; whether it has any specific focus/theme; and their twitter handle.
You can also check the start and end dates of the current stage they are in (for example, when prompting started, and when it will end):
Twitter Resources
Our twitter account keeps you up do date with most of fests' online activity!
There are two resources that are specially worth mentioning: our DAILY UPDATES and our MOMENTS.

Our DAILY UPDATES are color coded to inform you whether a fest is in their PROMPTING period (blue), CLAIMING (yellow), POSTING (purple), or if it is a CHALLENGE (orange). Additionally, the number on the bottom left indicates how many days are left till the deadline.